Saturday, February 9, 2008

Noah's 2 month check up

Noah had his 8 week wellness visit yesterday. What an exciting day! Well, for mom and dad anyways! We have been anxiously awaiting a check up to see how much he has grown since his 2 week visit. He is now 24 1/2 inches long and a whopping 12 lbs, 9 oz. What a chunk! We are thrilled with his progress! He has been wearing his 3 month clothes now for about 5 weeks, so I think it's safe to say, he's not going hungry. I will say he is not a very patient little man when he is hungry, once he decides to eat, you better have food ready to go! What can I say, he takes after his mama!

He also got his 2 month shots yesterday, which was alittle sad, but he did a really good job! He was kinda sad and cranky last night, but has been pretty much sleeping all day today, so hopefully that's a good sign.

I think that's all for now! We'll keep you posted!


Jenny said...

YEAH!!!! I love these blogs! I'll definitely check up on you guys regularly. I can't believe how much Noah has grown in such a short amount of time!! He's so cute! I can't wait to meet him in person! Just think...the next time I see you we'll be introducing our little guys to each other for the first time!!

Katie said...

Love your blog! Keep the pictures of your little bumpkin coming. Love ya!

Unknown said...

Oh my little Cousin. When I get back hopefully he will be using the thing I just sent you. Should be there in about 5 more days.