Thursday, May 22, 2008

Quality Time

Hi! It's me, Noah. Mom let me on the computer to write a couple of things on our website that I have been bugging her to share! First of all, back in April, my new cousin Kieran was born! Yeah! I have only hung out with him a few times, but so far he seems pretty cool, and I am excited to play with him more often as he gets bigger! We had a good afternoon of quality time, that Auntie Kim got a picture of that I'm gonna share with all of you!

I started daycare this month and so far I LOVE it! I have made so many new friends, and I don't even notice or care when mommy drops me off in the morning, I know she'll be back to get me after I'm done playing. I did get a little cold from one of my new friends, but mommy and daddy took good care of me, and daddy even took the cold from me, wasn't that so nice?!

Our well water was having trouble these past two weeks, so I've been spending alot of time at Grandma Johnson's, washing my bottles, and taking baths, thank you so much for letting us come over. It's always so fun there! Grandpa Johnson is in China for two weeks, I already miss him and can't wait for him to come home and play with me!

Otherwise, I'm just busy growing and having fun being able to go outside more often. I hope everyone has a good weekend, talk to you later!