Big news! Noah is officially growing up. He got his first teeth already. Both of his bottom 2 middle teeth came poking through last week. He seems to be handling it pretty well. Just wants to gnaw on everything he can get his little hands on! He also has begun eating cereal once a day, which has proven to be quite the adventure. I end up holding his hands down with one hand, and spoon feeding him with the other, if I don't hold his hands down, he just chews on his fist and gets goo everywhere!
We actually have a big week coming up. This weekend is Noah's baptism, so all of his aunts/uncles, cousins, grandparents and great grandparents will be over to celebrate! This means, mom and dad need to get the house in order. Which, for anyone who's ever had a baby knows this is a trick! So, Grandma Huesmann came down to stay for a few days so we can clean!
Then, next tuesday, Noah has his first day of daycare! I have to admit, I have mixed emotions. I definitely think it's good for him to get socialized, etc. But I am nervous about strangers caring for my little bug. (I just need to get over this!) It will be just great, I know he'll love it!
That's it for now, take care, and enjoy the sun!